New and Returning Student Resources (2024)

Your StarID is your unique username that provides you with single sign-on to many of your M State resources. To activate your StarID, change or reset an expired password (Passwords expire every 180 days),

Once activated, you can use your StarID and password anywhere that accepts StarID. It is unique across all MinnState Colleges.

Use your StarID to login in to: eServices, Campus Computers, D2L Brightspace, Printing, SpartanWiFi

SpartanNetis your one-stop personal portal to all your college resources, including e-services, D2L Brightspace, email and more.

How to Login to SpartanNet

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on the SpartanNet link, top right hand side of the page.
  3. Enter your and StarID password, you will be required to setup Multi Factor Authentication when you sign in for the first time.
  4. Once you are logged in, you will see links to: Go to class in D2L, Help Links, Eservices, Tech Support, and Email.

This email is the official means of communication and it is your responsibility to check email regularly. You will be required to setup Multi Factor Authentication when you sign in for the first time. This keeps your email safe

To Access Your Email:

  1. Log into SpartanNet at
  2. On the left hand side, click onNew and Returning Student Resources (1)
  3. To sign in, use this for the email/username
  4. Next enter your SpartanNet password

Your email address

To set up Outlook on your mobile device view this article:Student Email on Smartphones

Free Microsoft365 Apps

See above instruction to log into Microsoft Office. In the top right you will see “Install Office” Click that and then Office 365 Apps.

NOTE: Mac version only includes: Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Office will be licensed as long as you are a student at M State.

eServicesallows you access to your grades, where you go to register for classes, look at your transcript, access your Financial Aid, pay your bills and so much more – Login to SpartanNet to access your eServices

D2Lis the online course management tool faculty use to post your class information.

To access your D2L

  1. Login to SpartanNet
  2. Click on Go to Class in D2L
  3. Click on Sign on with StarID
  4. Enter your starid and then your password

NOTE: The most current browser versions of Edge, Firefox, and Google Chrome are supported. IE 10 and older browsers are not supported.

To see if your computer is compatible:

  1. Login to your D2L through the SpartanNet Portal, Click Technical Help from the drop down menu and do a Systems Check to ensure your computer system is compatible and properly configured for D2L.

To better serve students, we ask that you submit a ticket for all your IT issues and/or search our Knowledge base articles (KB) at MState ITS Knowledge Base.

To submit a request you may either submit a request through SpartanNet:

  1. Login to SpartanNet at
  2. Click Tech Support (left hand side)
  3. Click Submit a Service Request (at the top)
  4. Fill in the required information

Alternatively, you may browse MState ITS full list of services here:MState ITS Service Catalog

Are you wondering what computer to buy? MState Program Computer Requirements

There are program specific computer requirements as well as a general recommendation. If your program is not listed, then it does not require a computer. If you would still like a computer, please follow the general recommendation

NOTE: Mac or Chromebook computers have limited support and may not be used in programs that require a Windows computer.

Campus PrintingAll students start with $12.50 of free printing credit each semester. This equates to about 200 pages. B/W prints are .05/page and color prints are .10/page. You can add additional printing to your account at the Print Kiosks on campus or at a campus bookstore.

You can check your print balance anytime:

1. Login to your SpartanNet portal: SPARTANNET

2. Your Printing Balance will be listed in the middle of page, just below any News items

Installing Spartan-Printing:

1. Press the (Windows Key + R key)

2. Type in \\

2. When prompted, enter (use your StarID) and password

3. Check the Save my Credentials box

4. Right-click on Spartan-Printing

5. Click Connect

6. If prompted, click Install Driver

*This will allow you to print to any Konica Copiers on campus as well as to some HP copiers. You will go to the copier and sign in with your starid and password, or simply swipe your M State student ID. Your print jobs will be displayed to you (hit release if you don’t see them) at which point you select them and hit print.

Direct Link to Zoom:

To Install the Zoom Client

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Download under “Zoom Client for Meetings”
  3. Install, following the prompts

Find more Zoom resources by clicking on “I Need Help” in SpartanNet

Browse our Services Submit a Service Request Contact Us

New and Returning Student Resources (2024)


What is the difference between new and returning students? ›

You are a New Student if you have never enrolled in classes at any college. You are a New Transfer Student if you have attended another college, but have NEVER been enrolled at Hartnell College. You are a Returning Student if you have attended Hartnell College, but not in the last academic semester.

What does returning student mean? ›

A Returning Student is a student who, for whatever reason, takes time away from the University. A student may be away for one quarter, several quarters, a year, or several years. Though their circ*mstances are diverse, Returning Students may often feel as though they are “off-track” in some sense.

What is new vs returning users? ›

"New users" is the number of people who have never visited your site or app before in the specified date range. "Returning users" is the number of people who have visited your site or app before in the specified date range.

What is the definition of a new student? ›

More Definitions of New Student

New Student means a first-time student of an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education and includes a student who transfers to the institution from another institution.

What does return mean in classroom? ›

The status "returned" in an assignment means that the teacher has received your assignment, graded or not the assignment and then returned it to you.

What does returning graduate mean? ›

Returning graduate students are former U of A graduate students who return to complete their degree after an absence of one or more semesters.

What does returnee mean in college? ›

A “returnee student” is a student who is previously enrolled in the University and after having stopped without enrolling elsewhere or have valid leaves of absence for the period during which they have discontinued their studies and are not disqualified to continue their law studies in the University.

What are new students called? ›

What is another word for first-year student?
68 more rows

What is the difference between old school and the new one? ›

Old School: Emphasis on teacher-centered learning. New School: Emphasis on student-centered learning, with students taking an active role in their own learning. Old School: Emphasis on memorization and rote learning. New School: Emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

What is a returning freshman in college? ›

A returning student is a student who did not enroll for two full semesters (Fall or Spring), and now wishes to return.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.